About Us


Our Mission and Vision:

Our Way of Thinking

We think and believe that we have a vital mission to support the many categories of underserved learners to level up the access to mainstream work opportunities.

We think and believe that every person should have the opportunity to progress and know the satisfaction of a job well done and take the steps that enable them to have a better future.

We think and believe in different approaches to developing skills enabling flexible, learner centered and engaging learning experiences leading to improved learning outcomes.

We think and believe that a more equal, inclusive vocational education system harnessing technology and learner support arrangements will be the foundation of a thriving economy.

We think and believe that supporting more personalised approaches to learning for work will be good for jobs providing more diversity and growth opportunities.

How we deliver?

We are a small solution focused organisation striving to have a disproportionate impact on the vocational learning and jobs sector with an ambitious vision to disrupt the learning and jobs marketplace through both direct and alliance led approaches enabling it to become more inclusive and fairer for all.

We deliver our mission by: